A Virtual Government?

I find it very interesting to see how more and more government agencies are going virtual in today’s world. The DoD has hopped on board, NOAA is on Second Life, Centers for Disease Control has even joined MySpace, and many other SGL and Federal agencies are following suit. We are truly living a multi-media, WebRead… Read more »

Veterans Day 2008

Veterans Day 2008 Some thought provoking quotes for this special day. The moon gives you light, And the bugles and the drums give you music, And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, My heart gives you love. Walt Whitman All of us who served in one war or another know very well that allRead… Read more »

Victorian Government Continuous Improvement Network

Greetings all Gov Loopers from the State of Victoria in Australia ! Just thought I’d share a link with you which leads to our Continuous Improvement in Government website. The site is driven by a network of 3300+ civil servants who have a desire to improve the services we provide to the wider Victorian community.Read… Read more »

Vincent the Great

Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. VINCE LOMBARDI

A Welcome Pat on the Back

We sole proprietors on the publishing frontier, better known as bloggers, toil in relative obscurity. Having once run a print magazine with a full reporting and editing staff, art department and business operation to handle fulfillment and printing and delivery and promotion and ad sales, I find performing all those functions myself particularly frustrating andRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – In the Middle

Thanks Steve, for the opportunity to post. To view the full article with charts, please go to TSP Talk for the daily market commentary, or here for 11/10/08’s specific article. I write a daily commentary on TSP Talk but I will likely just post Monday’s articles on GovLoop.com. ——————————————————————————————————————– What a week! Tuesday saw aRead… Read more »

Introduction to Govloop

I thought I might use my official bio for my introduction. Its short, sweet, and to the point. James V. Pritchert Mr. Pritchert has worked for the national Transportation Safety Board since April 2007. He is responsible for coordinating training efforts for all individuals assigned to NTSB. His previous assignments include Education Service Representative forRead… Read more »