GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – 2009 NCAA Men’s Basketball Preseason Rankings

Readers, no college football picks this week… we’ll get back to that next week. And this accounting class is making the Hokie Guru work hard; he’s trying to convert to the GS-511 Auditor Series in the federal government. In other news, President-Elect Barrack Obama wants a college football playoff. Sounds like we would get alongRead… Read more »

Woody Wisdom

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

JISC Releases Serious Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are still fairly new to most, and many still view them as games. But there is a growing realization that virtual worlds can offer real value to businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions. A report recently released by JISC presents a comprehensive study of how virtual worlds are being used to enhance learningRead… Read more »


The winds of change come and go. Like all blows, if you have your important stuff lashed down and stowed properly, you’ll be OK. An election makes us take inventory. It makes us look and see what we have working and what isn’t working anymore. What do we want to keep? What do we wantRead… Read more »

Five Challenges Government Faces When Adopting Web 2.0

By Dennis D. McDonald In these heady days of transition, as we think about ways to improve government, it’s temping to over-sell the benefits of “Web 2.0.” I personally believe in Web 2.0 tools and techniques and how they can support what I call the Three C’s of Web 2.0: Collaboration, Content, and Communication. JustRead… Read more »

America 2.0

Andrew Sullivan was right last year when he wrote “Good bye to All That: Why Obama Matters.” for the December issue of The Atlantic magazine. Sullivan could not have foreseen the role of the financial crisis in sweeping Obama into office. Who saw that coming? But he did predict the sheer importance of being Barak–hisRead… Read more »

If you could change one thing about your city/town’s government, what would it be?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about posts from fellow GovLoopers (or are we Loopies?): – Andrew‘s forum discussion asking “If you could change one thing about govenment, what would it be? and – Adriel‘s blog post on Gov 2.0 in local government. I think that, given the fact that local government has more limitedRead… Read more »

“311: The Next Wave”/ We’ve released our report and have a webcast tee-d up with Steve Goldsmith next week

Pleased to share our new report from Harvard’s Leadership for a Networked World Program, “311/The Next Wave: Nine Imperatives for Leadership of 311-Enabled Govt.” We brought 20 leaders of 311programs together earlier this year — business, technical, political folk – to explore the issues and opportunities ahead. This report rocks (ok, well, I wrote it,Read… Read more »