Just joined

Hi, just joined the network 🙂 Hello to everyone.

Leadership Lessons from the Election

As the election craze passes us by and we anticipate a massive transition within the walls our agencies, it’s nice to pause and reflect on what leadership lessons we can take from our new president elect and his campaign. Check out this blog from Scott Eblin, author and Executive coach, on Obama’s leadership: http://scotteblin.typepad.com/blog/2008/11/barack-the-community-organizer.html

Government Best Practices in Second Life

Hello Govloop members, I recently wrote a news story that I thought you would be interested in. Bill Greeves, the IT director of Roanoke County, Va., recently talked to Government Technology magazine about a new group he co-founded called MuniGov2.0 It focuses on best practices of Web 2.0, and the group holds weekly meetings inRead… Read more »

Organising by Value or for Events but not around Resources or Functions

As we move steadily into understanding that Technologies of Web 2.0, and some others are going to have a profound impact on ‘how’ we are all working and managing there is beginning to be more and more material around on business architecture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_architecture the noble art of understanding how a business is organised in termsRead… Read more »

Election Day Reflections

I took Friday off of work, and in the midst of all our Halloween celebrating (both my little ones had Halloween parties that needed volunteers) I was able to catch some of the news coverage about the turn out for early voting. In Floridia the lines went on for days, and people just kept showingRead… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – AP Top 25 NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision – Election Edition and Selected Week 10 Picks

Very interesting story in the Politico today; here’s what an Obama Administration might look like. We might see the Hokie Guru’s favorite bureaucrat, Robert Rubin, appointed as Treasury Secretary. The Hokie Guru’s Governor in Virginia, Tim Kaine, also has a shot to be Attorney General. Anyway, please check it out because many of us onRead… Read more »

Young Feds 101: Remarkable Personal Branding

To find out about personal branding, let’s start with a game. I’ll type a word, and you react. It’s not hard; in fact, I challenge you not to think anything in response to these words. For instance, I say “Apple” you might think “Iphone”. Or “Creative”. Or maybe even “Overpriced.” Great. Try another one: Honda.Read… Read more »

2.0 — It’s Not Just the Feds

Earlier this week I brokered a conversation between two people I knew would hit it off. Pam Broviak is an online publisher, Director of Public Works for LaSalle, Illinois and a leading thinker about Government 2.0 at the local level. She put together a few months ago a group called MuniGov 2.0, which already boastsRead… Read more »

The Anger Of The Gods

Before I became Bureaucrates, Goddess of Bureaucracy, I was an alcolyte of Mediocrates, God of Mediocrity. Okay, I was actually a middle school kid studying Greek mythology in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in the 1980s, when the school district went on a tear about Achieving Excellence. Thus was Mediocrates born. His name is pronounced MEE-dee-o-crayts, of course.Read… Read more »