The Digital Company 2013: Freedom to Collaborate

An excellent free report, The digital company The Digital Company 2013: Freedom to Collaborate is now available. Based on a global survey of over 600 senior executives, as well as several in-depth interviews with business leaders and independent technology experts, this report draws several important conclusions: 1) Technology ignorance will (almost) be a thing ofRead… Read more »

A soft Twitter launch for the County…

… and waiting for the other shoe to drop! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do this by myself. We have a Web 2.0 working group comprised of representatives from the Library, Parks & Rec, Economic Development, Public Information, the IT Director, and the County’s CIO. We’re wrangling on how to best use these informationRead… Read more »

Pens Vs. Pandemics

Originally posted October 20 on Digital pens could prevent the next Avian Flu or West Nile Fever. How’s that? Yep, digital pens. You might have heard some of the growing buzz among tech writers about a new one, the Pulse from a company called Livescribe. Essentially they are devices that look like standard pensRead… Read more »

Bureaucrat = Epithet

Is bureaucrat a bad word? At the risk of being labelled a heretic, my answer is an unequivocal “Yes!” Now before you lob your government issued ID badge at me, let me clarify. I’m not saying bureacrats are bad. I’m not even saying bureaucracy is bad, despite my allergy to it. What we are talkingRead… Read more »

Being a Good Citizen

Last Wednesday I did something that I don’t usually do. As my family sat down to dinner I placed my laptop on the kitchen counter so we could watch the debates while we ate our meatloaf. Of all the debates so far, I felt that this was the most important. So we sat and watchedRead… Read more »