Federal News Radio

I’m often amazed and surprised by the stuff I find during Google searches for something completely different. Today, my serendipitous find was Federal News Radio. This Internet/AM radio station broadcasts online at FederalNewsRadio.com. FederalNewsRadio.com was founded in Februrary, 2000. It was apparently the first internet-only, all-news radio station. It is also the first internet radioRead… Read more »

Rule# 3: On a Personal Level, never ask a subordinate to do anything you wouldn’t ask of a peer or boss

In the past, most managers above a certain level had a secretary who performed a variety of tasks such as typing, taking dictation, controlling access and calendar, making travel arrangements, and a variety of other mundane tasks that improved the efficiency of the manager. In the best of situations the boss and secretary became aRead… Read more »

What’s Your Vision for the Future of Government?

In February, the National Academy of Public Administration launched the Collaboration Project, a campaign to increase awareness and adoption of collaborative technologies in government. As part of this initiative, the Academy has been asked to host an online discussion on the future of government services. And we’re reaching out to the GovLoop community to helpRead… Read more »

How to Negotiate with an Irrational Leader

We’ve all been there at one time or another – the logical conversation that suddenly turns emotional. The irrational leader’s flame consumes everything in its path, the spoken word oxygen that feeds the fire into a frenzied tempest of damage and destruction. Dramatic enough for you? You get the point. And whether it involves negotiatingRead… Read more »

How to Search the FAR

Hill AFB has posted a search engine that will search the Federal Acquisition Regulations, DoD FAR Supplement, and a number of other agency supplements as well. What a great resource! http://farsite.hill.af.mil/search.htm Only one caveat: I’m not sure if it’s accessible from outside the DoD… can somebody else give it a try and let me know.Read… Read more »

Leadership: The Next Generation

After reflecting on my Machiavelli post, it suddenly occurred to me that the perfect example of the differing leadership styles was encapsulated in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Oh yeah, we’re gonna put the geek in Geek Chick.) In a two-part episode entitled “Chain of Command,” Captain Picard is reassigned to aRead… Read more »

Social Media for Government

Just spent a couple days in conf. sessions learning how a few gov entities are using social media to communicate with public, press and intra/inter-agency. I was surprised that so few in the audience were aware of the collaboration tools, let alone using them to carry out mission communications. A hopeful note: transparancy and informationRead… Read more »