50 Things That Do Not … Um … Bore the Pants Off You
Challenged by her coach to identify 50 things that do not “suck”, one GovLoop featured contributor describes her process for re-imaging the next year and finding a cure for existential boredom.
Challenged by her coach to identify 50 things that do not “suck”, one GovLoop featured contributor describes her process for re-imaging the next year and finding a cure for existential boredom.
The one-page resume, once the standard format for job seekers, is no longer the preferred format. The rules today are much more adaptable.
Leadership in action? Isn’t that what you want to learn from? The best places for it might be in your own backyard.
In cybersecurity, leadership involves setting a clear vision and aligning organizational culture with your goals.
Agencies need workers. They can respond by embracing a more human approach to the job posting process.
Public speakers may be tempted to forego using microphones, but they shouldn’t: Millions of people need that audio assist. Without it, a speaker’s message may be lost.
Sometimes, an employee’s skillset leads to a higher-level job that the individual really isn’t suited for. It’s called The Peter Principle, and there are ways to mitigate it. Here’s how.
It can be difficult to stay motivated during times of workplace uncertainty — and that’s OK. Here are ways to keep your motivation going when doing so gets tough.
What’s consistently proven to be untrue? That to create change in an organization, leaders must “get buy-in” and “overcome resistance” in order to “drive adoption.”
Trying to succeed in their careers, people can forget that they are more important than the work they do. But practicing self-care on a regular basis can restore peace of mind, help prevent burnout and ultimately make you more effective and productive.