The Rewards of Taking More Risks

Is there a way to cultivate being more of a risk taker if you don’t have a personality that trends that way? Let’s assume for a moment we’re not talking about reckless risk taking, but rather simply getting out of your comfort zone. Here are a few benefits to think about.

Software Defined Network (SDN): Most People Miss the Point

I get asked about software-defined networks (SDN) quite often and at this point I sort of expect that most people have no idea what it means.  Yeah they can explain that SDN stands for Software Defined Networking, but then they quickly go on a rant explaining the virtues of OpenFlow[1] and how managing physical switchesRead… Read more »

Does the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Matter?

The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is a weird animal. Some in the federal sector hail it as the most important document since the Emancipation Proclamation. Others ridicule it as a huge waste of time and one of the biggest sources of pollution in the federal swamp.