That Is Not My Name
Mispronouncing or incorrectly speaking as well as making fun of someone’s name demeans their identity.
Mispronouncing or incorrectly speaking as well as making fun of someone’s name demeans their identity.
Other than the cool factor of telling people where we work, your organization’s visibility is important to your work. People are more willing to partner with someone they are familiar with.
To all you public servants out there, what you do matters. What you say matters. You matter. Not just as a sworn officer of the federal government, but as an individual person. You are not a cog.
Today’s workforce demands a productive and relevant worker, and thankfully, technology can help do that. The following apps can turn the 21st century’s best friend – the smartphone – into a tool to help us be our best at work.
This post is designed to reassure those of us who are concerned that our memory just isn’t what it used to be. It’s probably not, but that’s no reason to worry.
Simply Irresistible was a song released by English singer Robert Palmer in 1988. Aside from its simple lyrics and feel good dance moves, it is probably best known as the most iconic video of the 80’s featuring a bevy of super models. Bersin by Deloitte, a research organization has taken Robert Palmer’s notion of aRead… Read more »
So are you a good writer? You may be. But it can be hard to know for sure. And no matter what, you can probably be better. And you don’t need an advanced degree or week-long workshop to get that way.
While I am convinced that there are more people with good intentions than bad, here are four strategies to keep in mind when you’re feeling emotionally taxed at work
Personality assessments are great tools in a variety of situations.
The stories of federal government employees and what they accomplish will amaze and inspire you. Every story could be its own miniseries.