How Telematics Can Revolutionize Government Fleet Management

Poor asset utilization is simply the failure to extract the maximum possible value out of your assets. For governments with large fleets, utilization issues almost invariably trace back to decision makers not having access to information on the status of their vehicles — including what assets they have, their location, their availability, and whether they… Read more »

As Cyber Fraud Escalates, Defending Your Network Means More than Firewalls and Malware

You may think your critical data and assets are protected by network intrusion detection systems, firewalls and the latest technology. However, it’s become increasingly clear this is not enough when cyber fraudsters impersonate real people for criminal purposes. In particular, there’s a shift toward the use of stolen identities online due to the availability ofRead… Read more »

Focusing on the EIS Customer Experience

Note: This is a guest blog post by Amando E. Gavino Jr., Director, Office of Network Services, ITS/FAS/GSA. He is responsible for a portfolio of acquisition vehicles that provide government agencies with a diverse set of telecommunications solutions, including Networx, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS), SATCOM, Enterprise Mobility, Connections II, and the Federal Relay Service. OnRead… Read more »