Moving Toward a Better Marketplace for Desktop and Laptop Procurement
Leveraging the buying power of the federal government, collaborating with other federal agencies and industry, and creating acquisition efficiency.
Leveraging the buying power of the federal government, collaborating with other federal agencies and industry, and creating acquisition efficiency.
You can’t have cake projects every day at work. No way would you ever get your ‘real’ job done. So, how can you get that “I’m eating cake!” feeling from your current assignments, until the next big ‘cake project’ comes along?
Business users know that if they had better access to the mounds of data available to them they could make more informed and better business decisions and they could be looking ahead not backwards. We finally have modern user-friendly data analytics tools available to do just that.
How to equip your leadership with what they need to successfully connect with stakeholders and make the best use of everyone’s time.
My favorite PowerPoint tricks that can help you become more adept at creating awesome presentations.
As a leader of more than a dozen volunteer organizations and a founder of three not-for-profit organizations, I have extensive experience in trying to motivate people who are extremely talented but aren’t financially reimbursed for their time. In addition, as a supervisor in government work, I know the challenges of inspiring employees who are olderRead… Read more »
By changing the laws governing recruitment and attitudes about compensation, the government may stand a chance of attracting and retaining highly trained and in-demand professionals as federal employees.
The focus now has to be on attracting the next generation of workers to government — but how do you do it?
Suggestions for how government leaders can ensure that procurement offices are able to best contribute to mission.
Never settle for mediocrity or lower your performance standards for anyone because at the end of the day, it is your very own reflection that will stare at you the harshest.