Gross National Product vs. Gross National Happiness
We are one of the richest nations in the world yet we are not the happiest. We have tripled our GNP since 1960 yet our happiness levels have barely moved.
We are one of the richest nations in the world yet we are not the happiest. We have tripled our GNP since 1960 yet our happiness levels have barely moved.
There is a wide array of applications available for mobile devices, and FirstNet will open the doors for more innovation geared toward public safety applications.
How do we reach the young and mobile, the recently deployed, and the skeptical? At the Census Bureau we have a few outreach strategies that may also work for other government agencies.
Securing sensitive data against the sheer number of cyberthreats is an impossible task for a single organization. It’s akin to sending one soldier to battle against an army of millions. In an effort to strengthen the nation’s defense against cyberthreats, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015… Read more »
Government at all levels needs to recognize, address and manage the ways unconscious bias negatively influences the work culture.
A paradigm shift by technologists would increase the effectiveness of their departments and organizations dramatically.
Listen to understand, not to speak. You will be a better person for it and others will be able to see the difference that you are trying to make.
Win or lose, I’m really proud of our softball team, and I think it has some significant benefits for our workplace. Here are just a few areas where it’s made a difference.
How can you make sure your team is operating at its most productive level?
A common question often asked is “Will Social Security be there for me in retirement?” The answer is yes, but the amount of Social Security you will receive is dependent on the age you choose to begin drawing these benefits. Here is important information you should consider as you are nearing retirement.