Establishing GSA Order Pricing May Become More Complicated

Over the past several years, concern about pricing variability among the same or similar items on different schedule contracts led some agencies to publicly question whether they could rely on rates negotiated by GSA.

Cyberthreats and More: A Conversation with FBI CISO Arlette Hart

Arlette Hart is the chief information security officer (CISO) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As CISO of the FBI, she has a unique perspective. On the one hand, she is tasked with securing vast amounts of highly sensitive information. On the other, she has the inside track on the emerging cyber-threats, and some ofRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks eased up this week after five straight positive weeks. The market held up after the news of the Brussels attacks but traders took cover after some hawkish comments by FOMC members. Pullbacks are healthy for markets especially after long upward momentum. Most of these indices have support lines to help the bull cause whenRead… Read more »

The Politics of Bias

In the 2012 race for the White House, Republican nominee, Mitt Romney’s primary support came from White voters at 88%. Only 12% of Romney voters were people of color. His opponent and ultimate winner of the 2012 Presidency, Barack Obama was swept into the White House with voters who were 56% White and 44% peopleRead… Read more »