Help Wanted: Grit Needed
Grit may be a better indicator of long-term success than intelligence and mindfulness.
Grit may be a better indicator of long-term success than intelligence and mindfulness.
Customization remains key. IT vendors are increasingly recognizing that they can no longer force tech to dictate functions. They understand that – if solutions do not adapt to existing, preferred processes – then users will reject the new tech outright.
Does your content or message pass the Grandma test?
Examining why global competence and multicultural sensitivity need to be included in training for public sector leaders.
Learn how to write better email—email that actually gets a reply.
Through interactions with federal stakeholders, we have identified common barriers that government agencies face during implementation of their cloud computing projects. This insight supports the foundation of the approach GSA is taking in this endeavor.
While the foundations of change management are solid, special approaches are needed to reach both traditional and teleworking employees to move them through the change process. Tailor your change management strategy starting with these ideas.
You’d think that people would know better by now than to use “Click here” for links. It’s not like they haven’t been told.
Open data may not be sufficient to solve some of our toughest social problems. Skilled data professionals working with government officials and neighborhood stakeholders in partnership to develop new solutions requires good data, but also trust.
Every data point is a puzzle piece with its own shape, function and origin. To get a complete picture that influences your decisions about everything from organizational change to user-friendly web principles to communicating within an organization, you have to start grouping things together.