Want Engagement? Act Like a Volunteer
Do you like your work so much you would do it for free? Volunteer for work. It seems to be the quickest path to engagement in a world that will not stop talking about disengagement.
Do you like your work so much you would do it for free? Volunteer for work. It seems to be the quickest path to engagement in a world that will not stop talking about disengagement.
This list should help you plan for 2016 and start advocating for those precious professional development dollars. Here you’ll find brand new events you might want to check out as well as established events that might be new to you. Many are essential conferences that those working in government cannot do without.
You know how some people like crossword or jigsaw puzzles? Editing is the same thing.
For a sustainable social media presence, you need to empower your agency’s staff to make social media part of their everyday communications strategy. Here’s how.
Want to know the weather? There’s an app for that. Want to know how long the TSA security line is at the airport? There’s an app for that, too! Blog Co-Author: Susan Wedge, IBM vice president for mobile In 2012, President Obama’s digital government plan ordered federal agencies to create at least two mobile apps. Read… Read more »
You know how somebody with a hammer sees everything as a nail? After a dozen years measuring and assessing the impact of workforce training, I now have a hard time not seeing things from the perspective of the training evaluation models I use in my day-to-day work. When a situation arises that involves some sort… Read more »
Research has shown that foods have a direct impact on how we feel, how we handle situations, and, yes, even our memory.
Happy New Year – don’t forget to be about you. This is the end of January, we have had a lot of things going on since the first of January so don’t forget about you. It is important to focus on you. We had a lot of drama and foolishness is our lives inRead… Read more »
Winning answers to common job interview questions.
Two very different state agencies in California have teamed up for the specialized Arts-in-Corrections program. The result? A unique program that’s gaining positive national–and international–attention.