Beyond the Dream
Keep the eternal flames of justice and equality burning for us on the mountain top. We will get there eventually.
Keep the eternal flames of justice and equality burning for us on the mountain top. We will get there eventually.
Some of the reasons we avoid the difficult work of inclusion.
We saw some life in buyers who put up a fight at Monday’s close as well as producing a couple of positive days Tuesday and Thursday. However the nature of this 2016 market continues and the sell-offs Wednesday and Friday took away those modest gains along with the hopes of investors who have stuck withRead… Read more »
2016 promises to be a year during which state and federal income taxes are not going to stay constant. If you are planning to retire during this year, then there are some tax traps for you to avoid.
Assertive behavior is described as standing up for one’s rights without violating the rights of others. The goal of assertion is to find a mutual solution and give straight communication. Behaving with appropriate assertion increases the likelihood of success in human interaction.
The recent spending legislative bill passed by the congress though has expanded the ID theft protection for all the employees that were affected by the data breach.
Do you know the role of digital engagement in improving citizen experience? It’s more critical than ever. Citizen experience is a challenge all government agencies face. People expect the government to operate like the private sector and the government needs to make that possible. Being clear, relevant and engaging are key factors to having successfulRead… Read more »
Why do governments at all levels make it so difficult for those affected by policy decisions to affect those decisions?
Do you talk too much and listen too little? Then you may be leading like a hippo.
The best approach to (re-)designing your organization’s site is to strategize, understand possible approaches, and invest in solid design and development.