Open Data Dispatch #1

I’ve started this newsletter for our internal open data community of interest (DataCOIN) and thought others might find it useful.  I read a lot about open data and I bet some of you do too.  To pool our knowledge and prevent FOMO (fear of missing out), I’m starting a mini bi-weekly-ish newsletter that highlights what’s going onRead… Read more »

How Race Neutrality and Diversity Undermined Affirmative Action

I miss the days of affirmative action. Without it, I would have never received a college scholarship. Back in the affirmative action day, people of color and women received special consideration in employment, college admissions and federal contract competition. The thinking behind affirmative action was based on the rectification of historic wrongs perpetuated against peopleRead… Read more »

The FSIS Escalade Leadership Development Program

“Do more than is required.  What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following?  The extra mile.”–Gary Ryan Blair If you get the opportunity, PLEASE apply for this program.  I had the pleasure of being selected to attend the 2015 FSIS Escalade LeadershipRead… Read more »