How to Lead Your Team Out of a Blamestorm

Your team is talking about a tough slog of a project that hasn’t been going well. Milestones have slipped. Deliverables haven’t been delivered. Rather than determining how you can move forward together, your team is fixated on finding someone to blame for what went wrong. Tempers flare as everyone points their finger at everyone else…. Read more »

Tools for Your Success

The productivity of a business, no matter the size, largely depends on the level of efficiency. In most cases, even huge businesses tend to have a chaotic organization. For instance, a common issue that leads to gross inefficiency is activity duplication. Another form of inefficiency is inconsistencies in task allocation to staff members. In most cases,Read… Read more »

Technical Deep Dive: What it’s like to build at #100MillionCitizens Scale

Originally posted by Torleiv Flatebo, Director of Platform Engineering and Site Reliability on the GovDelivery Blog While GovDelivery is now over 15 years old, we have always been a Software-as-a-Service company priding ourselves in pushing the envelope in terms of cutting edge government software. That said, over the course of the last decade, technology has changedRead… Read more »

What Happens When #100MillionCitizens Sign Up for Digital Government

Originally posted on the GovDelivery Blog by Scott Burns, CEO and Co-Founder of GovDelivery Technology and connectivity hold great promise for improving how government serves the public. Yet, we know that to date, governments have struggled to realize the full potential of that promise. What’s holding back the public sector? One age old problem still hauntsRead… Read more »

6 Characteristics of Innovative Leaders

Innovation. It’s the key to success that many leaders are looking for. With the pressure to increase quality while decreasing costs, there’s a revolving door of need for new strategies to tackle the complex challenges that the public sector faces. In this environment, innovative solutions can help deal with such challenges and provide meaningful change… Read more »

5 Bold Predictions for the Future of Learning

We’ll spend significantly less time in professional training as courseware is compressed to the most pertinent information and everything becomes searchable in response to increasingly shorter attention spans. We will regularly learn from teams of the world’s top experts in any given field, often for free. Many academic institutions will start to openly publish theirRead… Read more »