Twitter Chat 101: Hosting as a Government Agency

Twitter chats certainly aren’t the newest concept, but their popularity has been steadily growing over the past few years. As their popularity grows, companies, organizations and now government agencies are beginning to get in on the fun. But to run your own Twitter chat, you have to know how. And while there is a plethora… Read more »

Want Results? What is Your Double Helix?

Enterprise Architecture portrays technology, data, and people as functional blocks of information. As we know, “architecture” in this context derives from Zachman’s classic article. In the larger context, by definition, modern architecture represents form in terms of function. The same for “pattern.” If I may use a crude abbreviation, a “pattern language” is to “makeRead… Read more »

The Federal SES Performance Guidelines Have Begun – Is Your Agency Ready?

In some instances, particular critical elements and performance requirements of senior executives may already be part of the system. If not, or if tweaks or modifications are required, simple configuration changes can be made to accommodate the new elements. It can be as easy as flipping a switch, rather than the historical long, drawn-out process.

The Obstruction to Investing in the Government Workforce

The focus of attention to malign the government worker due to performance and service issues deflect from the real obstruction that impacts the quality of government service. For nearly two decades, there have been demands from the legislative and executive branches concerning the poor condition of the infrastructure in many government agencies. There have beenRead… Read more »