Enterprise Government: How the Next Administration Can Better Serve Citizens

In 2017, the next administration will set to work implementing the goals and priorities of the new President. Many of those priorities won’t line up neatly with the agency structure of the federal government, and achieving them will require that agencies work together as an “enterprise government” — collaborating and integrating programs and activities to… Read more »

5 Major Myths about Leadership

Effective leadership takes forethought and preparation. While at times we can enjoy some spontaneous successes however being able to purposely repeat those successes is much more desirable. Preparing for your role as a leader is just as important as any technical skill you developed as a individual contributor. Preparation is not just studying aspects of… Read more »

The Foundations of Leadership Succession Planning

To prepare new leaders and create a talent pipeline, agencies can take a strategic approach that begins long before leaders make their exit. A strong succession plan leverages reliable information about workers’ strengths, career ambitions and potential to prepare the next generation of leaders in anticipation of workforce changes.