Disengagement Then, Disengagement Now and Disengagement Forever

If you ever talk to American Indian/Alaska Native, Persons with Disabilities and People of Two or More Races employees, you are conversing with some of the most disengaged workers in the federal government. The work realities of these employee groups look something like this: • Their small numbers enhance their invisibility. • They have theRead… Read more »

The Consequences of a Government Shutdown Beyond American Borders

There is no doubt that the consequences of a potential federal government shutdown on October 1 could have significant economic consequences within the United States, as well as on federal workers who are furloughed during the shutdown. While true economic impacts are hard to quantify, the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated in January 2014 thatRead… Read more »

Stop Apologizing for Prioritizing Relationships

I was able to attend an awesome AmeriCorps conference this summer and it consisted of a variety of workshop sessions, including one called “Management Boot Camp: 3 Hours to More Effective Interactions at Work.”  This was an incredible session focused on inspiration, assessment, accountability, and most importantly, communication.  The workshop presenter began his training byRead… Read more »