8 Websites That Will Supercharge Your Online Communications

As communications professionals, we have a never-ending thirst for images that support the public affairs products we create. Below I’ve created a list of nine websites that provide royalty free images. Many of these sites allow unrestricted use of their images. In short, you often can use their photos as you please, as long asRead… Read more »

Improving Data Quality: Empowering Decision-Makers with Meaningful Information

Today’s leaders rely heavily on data-driven decision making to solve complex problems that have a direct impact on their businesses and their missions. Stakeholder concerns regarding the successful operation of their organization typically revolve around so much more than just data quality that it’s oftentimes overlooked. In reality, data quality is one of the most… Read more »

Collaborating for Better Government

For GSA, collaboration is more than just a buzzword or standing at a podium talking to stakeholders. It is a dialog – a give and take that includes understanding and respecting everyone’s needs, goals, and values. Successful collaboration happens when everyone is committed to the core principles of trust, understanding, and compromise– and the end… Read more »

A Baby Boomer’s Advice to New Employees

After years of hiring freezes and budget cuts, we have been able to finally back-fill behind people who have retired years ago.  And with work load increasing, and a decent budget, we are also able to hire some “entry level” positions to off-set our aging workforce.  Often, our job openings are filled by others fromRead… Read more »

Overcoming Technical Work Hurdles

“It’s part of life to have obstacles. It’s about overcoming obstacles; that’s the key to happiness.” – Herbie Hancock System updates..upgrades…capabilities…permissions.  I prefer not to hear those terms anytime soon.  I met with some tech-savvy staff every day this week.  I have not reached the finish line, but I am closer to my goal. MyRead… Read more »

Engaging New Zealand: More Than Government Talking to Government

Truth is a point of view, but authenticity can’t be faked. Peter Gruber One of the challenges that we have in New Zealand – like so many other places – is how government engages with people. The intentions are good: public servants are genuinely interested in creating policy and implementing processes that work well forRead… Read more »

Why You Need to Develop a Workplace Mentoring Program

A common characteristic of all successful companies is that they know how to attract and retain an engaged and qualified work force. Mentoring is one tool they use to ensure their employees are constantly learning to facilitate improved performance across the board. Below are several benefits of building and implementing a strong and effective workplaceRead… Read more »