Whip-Smart Back to School Citizen Engagement Campaigns

Many Americans are really stressed about one thing right now, and that’s back to school. With about 70 million students expected in kindergarten through college in Fall 2015, everyone’s paying attention to back-to-school messages. Now’s the time to talk to your audiences about how your agency can help them during this hectic period. School administrators and teachers are looking forRead… Read more »

The Necessity of Network Modernization: The Technology Behind $7 Billion in Savings

Network modernization is more than a buzzword. It is a real, mission-critical endeavor central to the goals of every federal agency. It is also one that, if left ignored, will have huge ramifications. Federal networks are in need of a major overhaul. Emerging technologies like cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, and mobilityRead… Read more »

Got EI? Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work

Does it ever feel like some people are just “easy” to get along with at work: the boss that really “gets” you, and goes out of her way to develop you; the colleague you love brainstorming with, or the employee who always anticipates what you need from him, almost before you know yourself?  …While othersRead… Read more »

How to Make the Most of a Government Conference

Conferences offer a unique experience to hear from experts, to network with colleagues in your industry, and to facilitate ongoing learning. However, you won’t make the most of the opportunity by simply showing up. Here are a few tested methods for ensuring you not only arrive, but thrive at your next conference. Make connections beforehandRead… Read more »

Innovation Entrepreneurs Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your silos! Last month, nearly 200 enthusiastic innovators from more than two dozen federal agencies gathered to share ideas and inspire each other with stories of what they are doing in their agencies. Using “lightening round” presentations, nearly a dozen presenters shared their stories. Andy Feldman from the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Why We Need to Stop Skipping Our Lunch Breaks

If you’re anything like me, you know this scenario all too well….emails flying back and forth, voicemails and calls to return, multi-tasking at least two different urgent issues, putting out countless fires….then 12:00 rolls around and you think, “I’ll just do one more thing,” which turns into two or three things and by the timeRead… Read more »