Your Most Important Portfolio isn’t your Financial Portfolio…

When people hear the word “portfolio,” too often they immediately begin to see dollar signs. With Wallstreet garnering attention from news headlines to Hollywood films, it is understandable. However, your Financial Portfolio isn’t your organization’s most important portfolio. That honor resides with your IT Portfolio.

The Republican Debate – Will Jeb Bush Play the Performance Management Card?

Virtually across the board, federal agencies are taking a hard look at performance management and recognizing that change is needed. Almost unbelievably, too many agencies are stuck with a pen-to-paper process, with limited or no automation and no analytical data for decision making, accountability and insight. With large workforces spanning hundreds to thousands to tens… Read more »

Weekly Roundup July 31, 2015

The IBM Center’s Weekly Round Up highlights articles and insights that we found interesting for the week ending July 31 Hope for the DATA Act.  Hudson Hollister, the head of the Data Transparency Coalition, was interviewed by Federal News Radio on his take of the status of the implementation of the DATA Act, which requiresRead… Read more »

The Lab at OPM: Reflections on my Detail so Far

Before beginning my detail here at the beginning of July, I had visions of what it would be like working at the Innovation Lab at the Office of Personnel Management (also known as the Lab at OPM). I had been to its ‘Introduction to Human-Centered Design’ training, and I had reveled in the couches, whiteRead… Read more »

Managing Stress in the Workplace: 3 Steps to Refill Your Resilience Tank

Stress in the workplace is always a hot topic. The normal day to day pressures of the job along with the new accepted norm of doing more with less has taken the expectation of performing under pressure to new levels.When I was looking for real solutions on how to handle stress in the workplace IRead… Read more »

What Kind of Leader Are You?

There are three types of leaders. Each is successful in a different context, says Dr. Michael Maccoby, a renowned business advisor who is both an organizational psychologist and anthropologist. And you need all three on your organization’s top management team. Drawing on nearly five decades of research and experience in both government and the privateRead… Read more »