Which States Are Gaining Federal Employees?
OPM payscale and reducing the number of federal employees, the fact of the matter is that federal employment is actually on a rise, and so are federal wages.
OPM payscale and reducing the number of federal employees, the fact of the matter is that federal employment is actually on a rise, and so are federal wages.
I know what you’re thinking. I need to find my breath? Set an intention? Give me a break. I’m at work. I’ve spent most of my professional career waking up each day visualizing a pie: You can’t eat the whole thing at once, you’ve got to take it one slice at a time. Sometimes I’llRead… Read more »
References are often put on the back burner when there are resumes and cover letters to be written, but they can make or break your job search. Accordingly, ensuring reference lists are complete and up to date should be a priority in the job search and interviewing process. The key is to keep professional referencesRead… Read more »
Good leaders are always storytellers. People who knew Abraham Lincoln admired his storytelling skills from the days of his youth. Even if you’re new to public speaking, you too can develop your own storytelling ability. I’ve already written about the 10 Essential Elements of a Successful Story and about the 108 Most Persuasive Words inRead… Read more »
Troy Mathis knows how to talk. And he speaks in a way that makes you want to listen. His session -Make It Matter: Personal Professional Branding, at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit was high-energy, engaging, and inspiring. After listening to his presentation and going through the steps, I’ve come away with the realizationRead… Read more »
AmeriCorps, one of the national service programs under the Corporation for National and Community Service, is what I (and others) like to call “the domestic Peace Corps.” AmeriCorps is volunteering and making a difference right here in America – in your hometown, in your neighborhood, with the people and organizations in your communities who areRead… Read more »
You’re invited to delve deeper with millennial leadership! Get ready… Motivation, Accountability, Setting Goals and Achieving them are all skillsets Millennials retain – however, it is an ever-evolving process, being that common misconceptions tend to plague the Millennial generation such as, entitlement, overconfidence, and narcissistic behaviors. It is important to dispel those fallacies, and the leadershipRead… Read more »
What do you think of first when someone says social media? Is it brand awareness or customer service? Is it Facebook or Twitter? But, do you think of TEAMWORK? Teamwork might be a term that is often tossed casually into the modern business discourse. We speak of teamwork in terms of leadership, employees’ engagement,Read… Read more »
The generation gap has taken many twists and turns. For Baby Boomers, the gap was between themselves and their Traditionalist parents. For Gen X’ers, the gap was more workplace related. For Millennials, the gap appears to center around the meaning of diversity-an interpretation that diverges from their parent’s views on differences. Who could have predictedRead… Read more »
With overwhelming usage of accessible technology in everyday life, there has been massive increase in data amount that are available to businesses today. The most practical usage of data is to manage and store it so as to achieve productivity and remain in the front row of the competition. But how companies can gain competitiveRead… Read more »