Avoid the Avalanche: 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity
In a world of distractions and competing demands, how do you figure out where to spend your time, attention, and energy? Try the 5 choices to extraordinary productivity.
In a world of distractions and competing demands, how do you figure out where to spend your time, attention, and energy? Try the 5 choices to extraordinary productivity.
Have you ever found yourself in a meeting that lacked clear direction and purpose? Perhaps it went on and on with nothing accomplished other than the need to schedule yet another meeting? Or, worst of all, did the participants do more talking over each other than collaborating and partnering in order to achieve a commonRead… Read more »
Frank DiGiammarino is a man of many questions — a fact that quickly became evident within the first few minutes of his presentation. He posted a detailed list of career-related questions in front of the packed Next Generation of Government Training Summit audience gathered to hear his insights on career management. But there was oneRead… Read more »
When I was little I made a lot of important decisions based on color. Choosing between a red shirt and a blue? I chose blue every time. Blue was a better color. Between Icee pops? Same thing. What can I say I liked blue. Over time I learned that for somethings color wasn’t a greatRead… Read more »
Welcome to the second installment of this series on Congressional action that could impact federal customer experience (CX). As I said in my first post, the purpose of this series is to help federal CX advocates track bills that could impact federal CX. That way, we can suggest improvements, help good ideas become law, andRead… Read more »
Perhaps you or somebody you know was a victim of one of the security breaches at the Office of Personnel Management. After all, 21 million people were affected by having their personal records stolen or compromised. The incident was one of the central topics at the breakout session titled “Cybersecurity Best Practices: Have Good CyberRead… Read more »
There’s no question that presenting a professional appearance is important if you want to do well in your career. A professional appearance isn’t just a matter of checking all the right boxes when it comes to experience, skills, and knowledge – it’s about proving to your bosses, coworkers, and contacts that you’re a reliable personRead… Read more »
When was the last time you savored every word in a five paragraph-long email? Or managed to endure an hour-long meeting without zoning out at least three times? Just because your answers were “never” to both of those questions doesn’t mean you have an abnormally poor attention span; it means that there is a disconnectRead… Read more »
“Hey, Eric! Nice bow tie. By the way, your performance at last week’s meeting was terrible. That’s a sharp suit you’re wearing!” What you just read is known as a “compliment sandwich.” And Virginia Hill from the Partnership for Public Service explained in the session she led with Jonathan McGee on leading from your levelRead… Read more »
Government rebels from all walks of life spanning a range of government agencies united in full force at this year’s NextGenGov’s summit, and it was inspiring. Now, these rebels were not your stereotypical outliers or black sheep; the packed room included a Fellow from the State Department, a Medicaid expert from Wyoming, and a ManagementRead… Read more »