Cyber ID Theft…Are You Protecting Yourself?
We’ve heard a new term lately… it’s “breachapalooza”; a kind of tongue in cheek reference to the recent rash of security breaches in the news. by Gary Fouts
We’ve heard a new term lately… it’s “breachapalooza”; a kind of tongue in cheek reference to the recent rash of security breaches in the news. by Gary Fouts
A lot of advice you’ll hear about how to handle your last two weeks at a job focuses on surviving. As if giving your two weeks notice is the equivalent of a zombie apocalypse or a vacation with your in-laws. Rather than survive, wouldn’t it be better to thrive? Giving your two weeks notice isn’t an excuse to dial it in.Read… Read more »
Have you ever met someone that just seems to know EXACTLY what their purpose is in life? You know, the ones that do that one thing that just seems to come natural? What is a talent? A talent is a special natural ability given to us all. If you follow the desire, it eventually startsRead… Read more »
Federal Life Insurance = FEGLI. It is just that–Group Term Life Insurance. FEGLI pros and cons, but we must understand insurance basics by Gary Fouts
Sometimes trying to manage a team of strong personalities can feel like herding cats. The great strengths that make each team member fantastic on their own may cause them to butt heads when it comes to a group setting. If you’re at the helm of a team of independent spirits, it can be challenging toRead… Read more »
By Jessica Havlak, ICF International It’s not so hard to think up fun ideas that we think might engage our audience… but who knows better than they what will be appealing? I’ve found that the best way to create engaging, relevant content is just to pay attention. Listen to what your community is talking about, and designRead… Read more »
Last weekend, New Zealand joined Australia for GovHack 2015. If you’re not familiar with the idea, this is a 2-day hackathon set up for people – community, industry, academia, civil society and public sector − to get creative with government data. The goal is to build some ‘thing’ using open government data. To be clear: this isRead… Read more »
One of the first things I learned as a kindergartener in Sunday School at Burnt Swamp Baptist Church in Lumberton, NC was the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, treat others the way you would like to be treated. Despite the simplicity of thisRead… Read more »
My father a member of the Silent Generation used this phrase all the time, “I Feel You But I Can’t Reach You.” Of course to him, the phrase was not a term of endearment. He used this refrain from a position of power as he reminded you of your lack of power. He never intendedRead… Read more »
It happened a few years ago. And as usual I was fully unprepared. “I do all the work. I take it all on. And I never say anything,” she whispered, trying not to have our office neighbors hear. A long time ago I had a manager who said, “At work you should have Valium and someRead… Read more »