People Analytics – Getting Interactive
Moving people analytics beyond dashboards to an interactive exchange and collaboration of data and information helps the entire organization evolve and, finally, truly embrace analytics.
Moving people analytics beyond dashboards to an interactive exchange and collaboration of data and information helps the entire organization evolve and, finally, truly embrace analytics.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed increasing references to government agencies as enablers rather than enforcers or regulators. I think that this is a side effect of 2 ideas that are gaining acceptance: the shift in the public sector to focus on trust rather than compliance seeing the public sector as an inter-connected systemRead… Read more »
A Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Bill that is about to become law will allow federal public safety officials to make penalty-free withdrawals from the Thrift Savings Plan at age 50.
federal salaries grew by 4.7 percent last year.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States commonly known as the 9/11 Commission, concluded that a piece of the systematic failure to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 9, 2011 was rooted in the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) lack of inclusion. When the commission spoke about inclusion, they did not mean inclusionRead… Read more »
By Emily Grenen, ICF International If you work in social media, you’re likely quite aware that creating new content is an intensive process. It often requires a good bit of creativity to find material that resonates with your target audience, but that also fits the guidelines that you, a partner, or a client have developed.Read… Read more »
There have been no any major gains or losses in the TSP funds so far this year, and June was in fact slightly dismal with all the funds showing small losses except for the G Fund which managed to squeak through the month with a 0.17 percent gain.
The Nazi flag has been designated to the landfill of history. The Confederate flag is about to come down in South Carolina. Unfortunately, one flag still flies high in our nation’s capital, the flag of the Washington R-Word, an emblem of suffering, shame and racism to indigenous people in the USA. During the Confederate flagRead… Read more »
It’s finally here. That time of year when seemingly half of the federal workforce flees the city for a well-deserved vacation. It’s a magical time for those of us who stay behind: Less traffic shortens our commutes, the Starbuck’s and food truck lines are shorter, and fewer people at meetings means more decisions get made.Read… Read more »
Effective leaders focus on the end goal, and they keep the end in sight. They don’t give up trying to find a better solution or method to achieve success. They respect boundaries and behave with integrity tosoft sell their position by sharing information so that everyone can make informed decisions on their own. They adjust… Read more »