Summer Reading List for Success in the Public Sector

This summer, rather than dragging out the insipid beach-friendly reads with sand in their spines, why not bone up on practical skills and knowledge that can help you in your work? Many of these books are so brand-spankin’ new that I haven’t had a chance to read them yet. If this list isn’t enough, check last year’sRead… Read more »

Improving LinkedIn Groups: Guidance for Group Managers

This is the second in a series of articles offering recommendations for how LinkedIn, group owners/managers, and members can improve the quality and value of LinkedIn groups. The initial article offered suggestions for LinkedIn. This piece focuses on suggestions for LinkedIn group owners and managers. The ideas can also be extended to other kinds of… Read more »

How To Implement The Customer Experience Advice In The US Digital Services Playbook

A few weeks ago, I advised federal agencies to build better digital customer experiences. I enjoyed the wave of hate mail that post generated, so I’d like to return to the topic of digital customer experience (CX) again this week. Even the US Digital Service (USDS) thinks federal agencies need better digital CX. Last year,Read… Read more »

I’ve Joined the UK’s Knowledge Hub. Here’s Why

Imagine a virtual place where people who work in the wider public sector could find and network with each other, collaborate and publish, share anything, create and join expert groups. A place where a public servant or health worker or councillor or local government officer or charity worker or trustee could find and connect withRead… Read more »

Digital Engagement Series Part 4: Send Messages That Get Read

Originally posted on the GovDelivery blog. If you have been reading our blog lately, you have noticed our focus on public engagement through digital marketing. First, we covered how to set organizational goals, then establishing target audiences, and most recently branding. Now, we will unveil step four, sending messages that get read. The proliferation of smartphones,Read… Read more »

Robots, IoT, Drones (RID) and Zombies

The future is hard to predict when the present is torn between the living, the living dead, and the never have lived at all. We don’t know the demographics of robots, sensors of the Internet of Things (IoT), learning machines, and drones. Of course, the count of zombies is unknown because they could very wellRead… Read more »

A Checklist for Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas

Are you faced with an ethical dilemma? Work through this handy checklist from CRMlearning based on “Ethics 4 Everyone” by Eric Harvey and Scott Airitam. Before you take action, ask yourself… Is it legal? Does it comply with our rules and regulations? Is it consistent with our organizational values? Will I be guilt-free if I doRead… Read more »