6 Things Successful Career Developers Have in Common
Career development is an ongoing effort that successful people know how to navigate. Successful career developers have many common traits.
Career development is an ongoing effort that successful people know how to navigate. Successful career developers have many common traits.
A mentor gave me an interesting challenge a few years ago, one that has stuck with me ever since. She challenged me to take 15 minutes a day to learn something new and to share with her what I learned. I thought what could I possibly learn in 15 minutes? Little did I know, IRead… Read more »
Do self confident, optimistic leaders ask this question often enough, at the right time? Risk experts Doug Webster and Tom Stanton think not. Writing in a new report for the IBM Center for The Business of Government, they observe: “The front pages of national newspapers constantly report on actions by private companies, federal leaders, orRead… Read more »
In the age of the empowered citizen, the age of trying to “control the conversation” is over. Well over. It’s taken us a long time to actually get that memo, and some of us are still processing the digital ink it’s printed on. What it means. Instead, there’s still a lot of focus on “brand-building”. Where a message is transmitted,Read… Read more »
As a manager, giving difficult feedback to an employee can be one of the hardest parts of your job. The conversation can be fraught with peril. If done well, giving tough feedback can help your team member grow – but if done poorly, you risk consequences like straining your relationship, or demoralizing him or her. SometimesRead… Read more »
Stocks opened higher on Monday but the early gains began deteriorating into the close and by mid-Tuesday stocks were falling steadily into red territory. The sell-off continued through to the late trading hours of Wednesday where the bulls stepped back in to buy the dip. The buying continued and modest gains were posted Thursday. TheRead… Read more »
Quitting is not the same as giving up. Quitting is giving in to a needed change in perspectives, priorities, and possibilities.
Working for the government is the most rewarding career choice one could have made but can also keep you quite busy with very little down time. Every branch of the government involves customer service, whether it be face to face, or behind the scenes. That would make us the largest customer service agency in America!!! Now with that beingRead… Read more »
Pictured: RFP-EZ, a pilot project in federal IT procurement. If you’re a follower of the Department of Better Technology and our blog, you know that we’re a bit obsessed about government procurement – in fact, some of our most widely-shared posts have been on the subject. But when Clay and I first met in 2012 during ourRead… Read more »
In earlier blog posts, I mentioned Govt.nz, which is the New Zealand Government’s flagship website. The new website was launched in July 2014 but things didn’t actually stop there. That requires a little explanation: we launched a minimal viable product or MVP. If you Google that term, you’ll get either a definition that includes return-on-investmentRead… Read more »