The Ethics of Government Intervention in Environmental Change

Bioethics is a complex, necessary field of philosophical study. While our government has usually stayed away from normative ethics in favor of applied ethics, protecting the environment often elicits an after-the-fact normative question: “How ought the government have acted in protecting the environment?” With numerous federal agencies and programs set up explicitly to help protectRead… Read more »

Federal Agencies Must Focus On Emotion To Create Great Government Customer Experiences

Think about the last time you went through airport security. Or applied for federal benefits. Or paid your taxes. How did those experiences make you feel? What specific emotions did they invoke in you? Did you feel comforted, hopeful, and valued – or insulted, frustrated, and nervous? Questions like these are the most important thingsRead… Read more »

Computer Crashes Cause Disaster in the Hospital Setting

When the computer monitors whoosh to black in a hospital environment, mass panic is the natural reaction. In a world where everyone is so utterly dependent on computer technology,  a hospital can experience real difficulties when the computer system abruptly shuts down. Patient records, lab reports, prescription instructions and integral e-mails can all vanish inRead… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Starting an Outstanding Intern Program

There are a ton of freely available articles, blogs, how to’s, and other publications about the benefits of good internship programs so why haven’t you started one yet? A need has been identified. In another blog post on Donna Dyer describes that 20% of interns graduating in 2014 wanted to intern in government. ThisRead… Read more »

Industrial Organizational Psychologists in Goverment

While the government is busy running the country, industrial organizational (I/O) psychologists are running the government. This rising field of applied psychology is an exciting profession that marries traditional psychology with logistical applications. Projected to grow 53% over the next decade with a 2012 median pay of $83,580, working behind-the-scenes to ensure the government’s efficacyRead… Read more »

How English Class Helps You Understand Unstructured Data

This is a salute to my brethren from the liberal arts, but also anyone who has ever thought English composition class was useless. What is it about understanding how writing happens that is so boring even if writing itself is fun, especially if you have only 140 characters and are not bound by spelling orRead… Read more »

Digital Storytelling vs. Blogging: The Difference is…?

Last week, I wrote about how I go through my creative process, essentially how I get down to the nitty-gritty of how I write a story. When I started this job, I thought I’d just be blogging. Just like I do on any of my personal digital spaces. But instead, I’m doing some “digital storytelling.”Read… Read more »