If You Want To Succeed, Get Hungry

“There’s a line of other people who want your husband,” someone once said to me. “If you want to stay married, keep that in mind.” On the just-ended season of HBO’s Girls (Season 4), Hannah leaves her boyfriend Adam in Manhattan. A fancy job as well, writing words for a magazine that blur eradicate the line between journalismRead… Read more »

Social Media Guidelines You Should Share with Your Babysitter

In the age of evolving digital technology, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and countless other outlets have become a mode of communication among people. Through these social media platforms, sharing information has become practically instantaneous. Sharing your own information about your family is perfectly acceptable, but not when you are not around them.Read… Read more »

5 Ways To Unravel A Sexist System

This weekend in synagogue an elderly gentleman introduced himself to my husband. After a lengthy discussion about their respective careers, after talking about his daughter who is apparently highly sought-after by potential employers in a technical field, after asking my younger daughter where she planned to go to college and what she planned to study,Read… Read more »

The Capabilities, Convenience and Cost of Federal Talent Acquisition Systems

A look into how and why one HR technology has managed to dominate the Federal talent acquisition market despite increasing numbers of competitors, their superior capabilities, and the Economy Act. The US Federal Government’s recruitment processes have been supported by HR technologies more than any other HR function.  They have become indispensable tools to helpRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks opened higher Monday, however the bears started to take control and before long we saw negative numbers across the board, possibly fueled by low expectations in earnings. Negative momentum continued into Tuesday’s open but the bulls fought back and the S&P 500 closed nearly flat. Some strong earnings reports led to decent gains WednesdayRead… Read more »

Banish the Monday Morning Blues by Planning Ahead on Sunday Night

Monday morning is the punchline of innumerable coffee mugs and Garfield cartoons. It’s the brutal, unflinching time when we transition from the unstructured weekend into the regimented work week — and many of us spend it in a caffeine-deprived haze, trying to sort out priorities. But what if you could tackle Monday morning with aRead… Read more »

8 (Cold, Hard) Truths about Social Media

I am an idealist at heart, but I also pride myself on being a pragmatist and strive to provide guidance that enables individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective ways possible. When it comes to social and digital technologies in particular, although I do believe, I’m notRead… Read more »