It’s Not Me, It’s You: 7 Ways to Break Up with Bad Webinars

I call it Log-In, Check-Out Syndrome. It’s that thing that happens when, about 17 seconds into your virtual event, your attendee engagement gauges plummet but your attendee numbers stay the same. They’re there, but they’re obviously not paying attention. They’re in another window or their screensaver is on; either way, they’re in the virtual room but they’re not reallyRead… Read more »

Small Businesses: Let Gov Help You!

There are loads of benefits to supporting small businesses. They can be friendlier, more transparent, more accessible, and less hierarchical. Plus, they can provide the government with great services – just as good as larger businesses who engage in acquisitions with the U.S. government. The only caveat is that small businesses need a little bitRead… Read more »

A Stress-Free Guide to Getting the Most Out of Virtual Events

Want to attend a truly awesome virtual event? Sign up for GovLoop’s free 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit on April 22nd. We live in a golden age of professional development. Gone, or at least really dimished are time-wasting travel misadventures, rubbery hotel chicken dinners, and awkward run-ins with people you’d rather avoid. Virtual conferences and trainings solve a lot of problems. They provideRead… Read more »

Basic Steps To Build A Project Estimate

One of the most difficult challenges project managers have in creating the preliminary project package is the Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE). First, what is an IGCE? According to the Defense Acquisition University: The IGCE is the Government’s estimate of the resources and projected cost of the resources a contractor will incur in the performanceRead… Read more »

10 Resources for Free Online Training

Is your agency’s training budget lean this year? Want to brush up on a few skills without having to shell out major bucks on your own? Check out these free resources below – a mix of my personal faves and some I haven’t used personally, but look promising. Then let me know in the commentsRead… Read more »

The Low-Down on Agency-Run Strategic Reviews

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shaun Donovan, put agencies on notice last week that the Administration is doubling down on the implementation of its priorities and tracking progress more closely. This memo indirectly adds some urgency to the relatively new “agency annual strategic reviews” which are currently underway in agencies acrossRead… Read more »

Why Sisterhood, Still?

Because women are half the population, but not even remotely half of our leadership. Because biased perceptions about women as bosses continues. Because women earn less than men for the same work no matter how you slice it. But still pay more for health care. Because women still do more than their fair share when it come toRead… Read more »

Millennials: Diverse but Color Blind

Millennials are a tough generation. They have the privilege to be the first generation to live their formative years under terror threats and two controversial wars. They ushered in a new era of school violence with the Columbine shooting. They witnessed firsthand hand domestic terrorism with the Oklahoma City bombing. They had to get comfortableRead… Read more »

The Four Top Reasons To Improve The Federal Customer Experience

Mandates for better federal customer experience (CX) have been piling up for more than 20 years. The trend began way back in 1993, when Executive Order #12862 required federal agencies to create basic CX standards. The strongest and most recent mandate is last year’s “customer service” cross-agency priority goal, which requires federal agencies to provide theRead… Read more »