Tell Me a Story…

After the relief of receiving her high school diploma in 1967, Carmi’s next thought was, “Now what?” Her friend said, “College,” so Carmi did that and four years later, with degree in hand, she thought, “Now what?” And then, “Work.” So, she did that, not knowing that every few years, when she sensed an invisibleRead… Read more »

5 Awesome Government Contests

Buried, hopefully deeply, in my hometown newspaper archives, there’s a photograph of a dorky 8-year-old me whose mom dressed her funny. (To be fair, it was the 80s. We were all dressed funny.) In the photo I proudly and nervously showed off my award-winning anti-drunk driving poster of a drawing of a girl crying a single cartoonish blueRead… Read more »

The Similarity of Passwords to Symmetric Key

By Dovell Bonnett, Founder and CEO, Access Smart, LLC In a world of ever-increasing cyber-attacks, IT invests massive amounts of time, energy and money to secure corporate networks and data. Because there are no silver bullets, many different security technologies attempt to address each potential threat. With so many different vulnerability points, the first lineRead… Read more »

Agency Heads Need Mentors, Too

Top executives require advice about their leadership styles and operating environs – in government as well as in the private sector. How do they get it? Suzanne de Janasz and Maury Peiperl interviewed dozens of corporate executives over the past two years to understand how “new CEOs in large organizations gain access to seasoned counselRead… Read more »

Can The Federal Government Innovate IT Buying? Yes, If…

On March 27, 2015, OMB posted a job announcement for the first-ever Information Technology Category Manager. Category management is the Federal Government’s approach to rationalizing and streamlining acquisitions. The IT Category Manager (ITCM) will be responsible for managing IT acquisition as a category, for the first time. Kudos to OMB, OFPP, the Federal CIO, GSA,Read… Read more »