Creating an Adaptive Cybersecurity Strategy & Culture through Agile Cybersecurity Action Planning (ACAP)

Cybersecurity should not about just building better castles, but looking ahead to the emerging threats. Castles were undone by introduction of cannons and mobile warfare. This will likely be true of Cybersecurity because the “cyber barbarians,” whether state or non-state actors, criminals or hacktivists, are constantly looking for new technologies, human weakness, back doors and… Read more »

11 Important Things to Know About FedRAMP

FedRAMP, the Federal Risk and Authorization Program, is a risk management program aimed at assessing the security of cloud computing products and services, building security consistency across federal cloud computing platforms, reducing duplicative efforts, and reducing cost inefficiencies. In establishing FedRAMP, the federal government intended to help support and increase the adoption of cloud computingRead… Read more »

Developing a Management Roadmap for the Next Administration

This article was first posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog. In January 2017, the inauguration of a new President will be followed by the transition of government to a new Administration. The President and senior staff will be focused on important policies and challenges at home andRead… Read more »

Internet of the Things You Can Do in Government IT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making a huge impact on the public sector and changing the role of everyday devices, from watches to thermometers. As government’s understanding of the IoT expands, agencies are now thinking in terms of what they can do as a result of these connected devices. This is what we defineRead… Read more »

The Top 5 Privacy and Security Laws you Should Know

Privacy and security are more important than ever, especially with the recent barrage of cyber attacks on companies like Anthem, Premera and Sony which compromised confidential data of millions of customers Privacy and security compliances are requirements that various organizations must follow to protect that same data. There are compliances that span across many industriesRead… Read more »

Food for Thought: A Conversation with Orioles Team Nutritionist Sue James

Without knowing the context, when the New York Times quoted Yankees general manager Brian Cashman saying, “We’re trying to build a more perfect beast,” it’s unlikely the average person would know he was talking about nutrition. Yet the Yankees are not the first team in Major League Baseball to bring a nutritionist onto the roster.Read… Read more »

Creating a Performance-and-Results Culture in Your Agency

How do you create a performance-and-results culture in your agency? Background. Over the past two decades, the performance movement has made steady progress. It has resulted in a focus on performance and results via strategic and annual operating plans, a supply of performance information to track progress of these plans; a demand for performance informationRead… Read more »

The Modern Era For Government Technology

Think back to the ‘olden days’, when we had no iPhones, Internet, or even simple programs like word processing and electronic filing systems. Sounds like the Stone Age by now, doesn’t it? Digital government opens up a world of possibilities for government efficiency and innovation. President Obama issued a memo in May 2012 calling uponRead… Read more »