An Agency’s Empire

The series Empire has captivated quite an array of audience. The series is centered on a Hip hop music and entertainment company, Empire Enterprises, and the drama among the members as they fight for positions within the company as well as the dynamics that takes place in its environment. When I watch Empire each week,Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks had their third consecutive week of loss after a rising dollar hurts earnings for U.S.-based multinational companies whose products become more expensive overseas. The rising dollar also brought oil down to $44.84, another key factor affecting strength in stocks. Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns for the week ending MarchRead… Read more »

Inclusion Has Left the Building

Is it just me but has the world gone a little bit crazy here lately. I almost have to pinch myself in order not to feel like I have been transported back to the mid-20th century of Jim Crow. Take a glimpse at some of the offensive statements and incidents in the news that suggestRead… Read more »

What You DON’T Need to Know, to Innovate

Shortly into a new job, my newly minted college graduate daughter was asked to help plan an IT requirements identification and definition meeting. Her degree was in human growth and development. She had researched what she could about requirements, but was disoriented and didn’t know where to start. Being Da-aad (yes, pronounce that as aRead… Read more »

Disaster’s Coming – How is Your Agency Preparing?

When she’s not wearing her 80’s gear and rocking out as the lead singer of our city employee band, the Black Death Socks (BDS), Breanna Medina is the Emergency Management Coordinator for the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California.  I asked Bree about her role and how she’s preparing our city to be a resilient community.Read… Read more »