Reality TV and Accessibility Have a Lot in Common

How many times have you heard people say, “I hate reality TV! I want real shows. I wish they’d make something else.”? I don’t understand why people remained glued to reality TV shows despite their professed hatred of them. “But there’s nothing else on,” people say. “I’ve gotta watch something!” Hold out, I say, holdRead… Read more »

How to Build an Active Community of Support on Facebook

By Jessica Havlak While working in what I’ll call the “white hat sector,” it can be a challenge to reach individuals with your message when they are almost as inclined to listen to their friends and family as they are to clinicians. Use this trust of peers to your advantage: engage them in a communityRead… Read more »

The 10 Essential Tasks of a Knowledge Manager

Nobody wants to think about knowledge management, but everybody needs it. Here are the basic things an organization should have covered as part of its KM system. 1. Establishing an information architecture for multiple user groups, permission levels, and knowledge sharing environments. 2. Maintaining the architecture, adding and removing people from user groups. 3. LocatingRead… Read more »

4 Pointers for Getting Your Conference Proposals Accepted

A mentor of mine once told me about an important distinction when deciding how to spend one’s finite work time. A focus on the day-to-day fixing of issues, meeting with clients, and delivering the deliverables was spending time “in the business.” Getting your head up out of the weeds to see where you were headed,Read… Read more »

Got Balance?

When I was growing up, I’m sure my parents and most others who were working adults struggled with what we now call “work-life balance.”  My dad had a full-time job and worked part-time on weekends.  My grandmother worked in other people’s homes, and my mom worked outside the home, off-and-on, but mostly kept our home.Read… Read more »

10 Big Things Every Consultant (And You) Should Do

A consultant (should be) someone who offers good advice. Many times this is advice based on subject matter expertise, experience, or other unique qualifications. However having a particular subject matter expertise or experience is only one facet of being a good consultant. Great consultants have a lot more than just expertise – they understand howRead… Read more »