PMF Recruitment

PMF Recruitment Opportunity!! If your office/agency has a need for top talent and an interest in hiring a PMF – or if you have a colleague or friend who may be interested – please reach out to me or our office at and we would be happy to assist you. Additionally, you may find the following preliminary information useful.



  • An overview of the PMF Program – For those who are unfamiliar with the program in its current state and how it works for agencies – or just as a refresher – you can find an overview here:
  • Find your Agency PMF Coordinator – The Agency PMF Coordinators serve as your most valuable resource for hiring a PMF and can help you navigate this relatively simple process. For an up-to-date list of coordinators, please go here:
  • Take a look at the available 2018 Finalists – For a current list of available Finalists, including their academic institutions and degrees, go here:
  • Eligibility extensions – Eligibility extensions are available for Finalists who have indicated interest in positions at your agency. Information on eligibility extensions can be found here:


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