Question: What’s the secret of landing a job in the FedGov space?
Answer: There is no secret.
Just like searching for a position in the private and nonprofit sectors, two things are required — on a daily basis — to successfully secure a position within the federal government: a profoundly high morale, and an unwavering persistence.
There’s a tried-and-true saying that the game is won or lost before it is even played.
Job searches are no different — Failing to prepare is the same as preparing to fail.
- Have your resume and cover letter reviewed by a professional resume writer, and if necessary, rewritten/reformatted to the expectations of your target audience.
- Have your LinkedIn profile reviewed and enhanced, again by a professional.
- Prepare a written job search plan, outlining the daily and weekly tasks/activities of your search — and refer to and follow that plan — and have it drafted by a career coach/a professional.
- Prepare yourself psychologically. A job search is usually tedious, and over time, demoralizing. Will yourself to maintain high self-confidence each day, to bravely withstand rejection, and be unshakably committed to reaching the goal.
Applying to Jobs
Leveraging your newly re-engineered resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, and your unmatched self-motivation and confidence, you are now ready to unleash your career calling cards and get in front of employers.
Apply – Apply – Apply
But, be sure of two things: 1) You meet the qualifications of the position and 2) The position is truly something that you see yourself enjoying and thriving in — otherwise, what’s the point?
AND — Remember to always tailor your resume and cover letter for each application to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Again, a professional resume writer can assist here.
This is THE platform for job listings across the federal government and quasi-Fed-Gov ecosystem. Make no mistake: You will need to know, understand, and leverage this platform in your search.
USAJobs – Getting Started:
USAJobs – How to Apply:
Having a strong presence on LinkedIn isn’t a ‘”nice-to-have” — it’s an absolute must.
- Ensure that your LinkedIn profile aligns with your resume, is complete, and is up to date.
- Be certain you showcase your top talents, career accomplishments, and best skills.
- Connect with professionals working in fed agencies, and engage with their posts.
Networking is an integral tool in the federal job search process — integral.
- Leverage LinkedIn — set a daily objective of sending five to 10 new contact invitations.
- Attend career fairs and informational sessions hosted by federal agencies.
- Make connections with FedGov employees, especially frontline recruiters.
- Seek guidance from other professionals who have secured federal employment.
Practice Interviewing
Practice answering behavioral interview questions using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to effectively demonstrate your competencies and experiences. Again, a professional career coach can assist here.
Concluding Thoughts
- Believe in yourself. Be your own best cheerleader. Keep your morale high each day.
- “Keep your foot on the pedal.” Be persistent and dogged in reaching your goal.
Jerry Cooney, “Jer” to his friends, has spent his career serving in various capacities within Human Resources and Talent Acquisition. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in HR from Cornell and is a Senior Certified Professional in HR (SHRM-SCP) and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW).He began his career at a small firm in Manhattan and has since gone on to work with such famous names as Amazon, Siemens, General Electric, and Amtrak. Jer is originally from Islip, New York, but now calls Philadelphia home. He is a huge baseball fan.
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