Rainmaker #5 – Start With An Offer

Definition – A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business for a company.The Sales Lab Rainmaker Series is one rainmaker technique for technologists during the first 300 seconds (five minutes) of the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub Meeting. This is the handout for our May meeting.

Listening to a line of people introduce themselves with a name, a precious title, a company, a catchy slogan, like “We put an ‘X’ through Excellence!” I realized I just wanted the offer.

What can you do for me? That is more important than anything else.

When you decide to attend an event, your next thought should be, what can I bring? What can I offer?

If you can’t think of something, don’t cancel. Resolve to attend twenty meetings every month, so the only option is to develop something to offer. Then you can go more easily, more often.

If the offer is more important than the name, title, company, and catchy slogan “Fred the Electrician, Let Us Remove Your Shorts,” why not go with the offer first?

Or by itself?

What is your offer? Commenting below will help us all get ready! It payz to advertize (here)!

Reserve your place for the next Capital Technology Management Hub Event, How To Implement Security In An Open World, May 10, http://opensourcesecurity.eventbrite.com

The previous Rainmakers:
Rainmaker #3 Process to Purchase
Rainmaker # 2 The Nametag

Rainmaker #1 Gifts

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