Recapping this year’s eHealth Initiative (eHI) Annual Conference

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports.

The eHealth Initiative (eHI) Annual Conference, held this week in Washington, D.C., brought together an array of health professionals, from practicing physicians and cardiologists to American Heart Association (AHA) directors, to vendors looking to broaden their reach in the public and private health care environment.

This year’s conference theme, “Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease: Improving Care Through eHealth,” highlighted the positive impact of health information technology (IT) on the detection, monitoring, and care of patients suffering from chronic conditions. Numerous sessions demonstrated how technology plays a vital role in the post-diagnosis world as well as in the prevention of chronic conditions. One panel session on data and trends in heart disease featured a cardiac patient who used technology to research treatment options to help him make an informed decision. Hearing his story really hit on how health IT can play a beneficial role outside of a clinical setting.

For the complete blog, go here.

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