A number of new features have been added to regulations.gov, the U.S. federal eRulemaking service. Click here for a video describing the new features. The new features include:
- an “Exchange” tab, to link to the site’s online forum;
- agency specific RSS feeds;
- a bookmarking tool;
- a browse-by-topic index;
- a “Your Voice in Action” tab, featuring graphic displays about regulations and comments;
- a “What’s Hot” tab;
- new links to information about comment periods that are closing soon, newly posted items, and frequently used items;
- a search wizard;
- two new videos: one on searching, and one on submitting comments.
Note: As of 30 January 2010, the new features did not display in the Google Chrome browser. I notified the eRulemaking Program on 30 January 2010. [Update on 2 February 2010: The problem was with my browser; clearing the cache resolved the problem. Thanks to the Regulations.gov Help Desk for guiding me through.]
HT @ecarr42.
Pretty cool…I like the “Your Voice in Action”