
Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 11/19


Digital Divide in Internet Searching (11/2010) – Study examines the digital divide in Internet information searching. Data from 476 Vermont households surveyed in 2009 found socioeconomic and demographic factors such as education level, income, and age. http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3118/2649


Morgan Stanley on the “State of the Internet” (11/16/2010) – Presentation by Mary Meeker calls attention to:
• Ten questions all internet execs need to answer
• Five markets to watch for mobile in 2011
• Mobile ramping up faster than any other new thing
• Companies focusing on mobile apps rather than on websites
• High levels of innovation continuing

Change Site Structure with Care (11/12/2010) – Changing a website structure that has gained rankings, trust, and authority can be risky. Strategies to minimize risks and build quality information architecture are presented. http://www.bruceclay.com.au/blog/archives/2010/11/changing-site-%3E%20structures-with-care.html

Facebook and Twitter as a Public Service Delivery Channel (11/16/2010) – Could Facebook or Twitter operate as a public service delivery channel? With the help of an overarching social media framework for Asian governments, it could soon become the platform of choice for engaging citizens and delivering services. http://www.futuregov.asia/articles/2010/nov/16/social-media-framework-asian-govts/

Data.gov Open Data Community (11/17/2010) – Open Data Community page encourages public discussions about accessing and sharing data. Community members can make recommendations on data that should be shared or create an app or mash-up that makes that data understandable. http://www.data.gov/communities/opendata

2010 Digital Cities Awards: Boston; Richmond; and Pueblo and Castle Rock, Colorado named top-ranked municipalities in the 2010 Digital Cities Survey. 2010 winners demonstrate the transformative power of information technology through measurable achievements and “hard dollar” returns. http://www.digitalcommunities.com/survey/cities/

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