Brand Niemann (EPA) and I recently organized a a one-day conference / workshop held in Washington, DC on February 17, 2009 on the role of information and communication technologies in an era of connected governance. This wiki page contains the program and all proceedings including presentations, videos, and handouts from the event:
Attendance: 360 people signed up for this event to attend either on-site or remotely via webcast.
Here is a link to an overview presentation of the workshop themes:
What is the role of cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies in the coming era of transparent, collaborative, connected e-governance?
Key questions this workshop explored:
What is the significance of connected governance in the Obama administration?
What role does cloud computing, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 semantic technology play in an era of connected governance?
What immediate steps towards connected governance should government agencies take?
The plan of the conference included the following:
Our keynote session highlighted findings, conclusions and recommendations from a recent UN study that examined the current state and direction of evolution of e-government world-wide.
A second keynote featured running your organization on semantics, presented by the Dutch government. Key to this approach is “separating the know from the flow.” Excellent videos from this talk are posted to the wiki page.
Following the keynote, we set the stage for the morning’s panel session with an overview presentation that outlines the role of Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, and Web 3.0 semantic technologies in and era of connected governance. This presentation highlighted new concepts and practices of connected governance, the role of information and communication technologies in realizing this vision, and near-term steps towards connected governance that every agency can take.
Next there was a panel discussion featuring leading technologists. We invited them to tell us briefly about the capabilities they provide, the problems they solve, and the value their solutions bring, and to discuss how the capabilities they provide might be combined to further enhance the value to government, business, and citizenry in the era of connected governance.
After lunch, the conference featured demos of next generation capabilities and solutions for connected governance.. Each panelist has the opportunity (about 10 minutes) to present. A topic we asked to feature was what sort of free trial or quickstart package(s) they offer that government agencies can access to learn more, or get started.
Also, the conference announced a program of briefings, technical training of Web 2.0, Cloud Computing and Web 3.0 Semantic Technologies, and services to support pilots of connected governance solutions. These programs are produced by Semantic Exchange and Semantic Communities in association with industry experts and leading vendors. If your or your organization would like more information, please send me an email.
I saw an interesting video on YouTube by Eric Schmidt on what web 3.0 is. Web 2.0 is a way of building on the architecture Ajax. He says that Web 3.0 is applications pieced together. Data is in a cloud and can run on any device, mobile, blackberry, etc. Very fast, customizeable distributed on social networks, email. He said it will be distributed virally. Check it out, it goes right to your questions.
Thanks, I will. BTW, there is an IARPA program called BlackBook2 that combines open source cloud computing (Hadoop, MapReduce, Lucene, Solr) complements of Google via Apache Foundation, with Semantic Web technologies in order to combine and interrelate public and private sources of structured and unstructured information at web scale plus capture analysts annotations and assertions about this information.
Possibly might be some interest in this rather old article (April 2008) providing what appears to me to be a rather good description of Cloud Computing
There are a significant number of links in the below article to get all the additional information that you could possibly want
What cloud computing really means