
RSS Cheat Sheet

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency.

I created this Really Simple Syndication (RSS) cheat sheet awhile back. I created the cheat sheet because people kept asking me how to create an RSS file from scratch and, to my surprise, there were no RSS cheat sheets on the web. So, as far as I know, mine is the first ever. When I give presentations on RSS I always point people to the cheat sheet to help them get started. So far I’ve gotten a lot of good response out of it. It includes all the RSS 2.0 tags and attributes, quick tutorials on how to add RSS feeds using your browser or RSS reader, and a sample code section that lists all the tags with attributes and the iTunes required tags as well for easy copy and paste.

If you have any feedback on this, positive or negative, feel free to leave a comment. If people are going to use it then it might as well be worth using, right?

Some people may not be able to see the document below as it’s coming from Scribd and some agencies block Scribd for reason…I think out of fear of sharing sensitive documents. So, in case you can’t see it, here’s a link to it on the USGS site (PDF) where I originally placed it.

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Jeffrey Levy

Thanks, Scott. I’m co-teaching a Web Manager University seminar on RSS in a couple of weeks, and this will be helpful!

Colleen Hope

Thx. We may have to provide help to foreign governments on creating RSS feeds. The premise of a website that we’ve created for a bureau in the State Department is that we will get RSS feeds to provide information directly from all participant countries for http://www.pathways-caminos.gov. And if any of them needed any help, we would have to provide it, so this could be of help to us.