Your help is requested.
During my extensive time in local government we used a variety of acroynms . Acroynms that would help us briefly describe the issue before us.
Below is a list of the some of the acroynms I frequently used. If you have any, or know of any, acryonms used in local governments will you please share them with me. Just post them below and I will compile a master list.
Gabe Gabrielsen
Widely Used Acroynms
NIMBY = Not in my backyard
CAVE = Citizens Against Virtually Everything
CANT = Citizens Against New Taxes
BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again
Looks like no one ever commented on this fun initiative.
So I will share one of my favorites for Local Goverment Officials.
RTFM as in RTFM (Read the F***ing Motion) before you vote