SES Leadership Horizons: The Executive Zenith

Executive excellence results from the ability to create a resourceful and positive state of mind while wrestling with the myriad of leadership challenges that entangle members of the Senior Executive Service. Achieving leadership performance at the highest level possible –the zenith of one’s ability – is even more pressing and demanding as public servants strive to work for America in an era of unprecedented demands and complexity. To promote and enhance excellence in public sector executive leadership, The Federal Executive Institute has partnered with the nation’s premier center for peak performance at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point to offer a 3-day program focused on achieving personal and professional excellence by focusing on attitude, mental acuity, motivation, and commitment. The program is exclusively for SES members.

Working closely with faculty from FEI and West Point’s Center for Enhanced Performance, guest speakers, and with peers from across government, you will explore and practice the intangible but indispensable mental skills that underlie peak human performance, including confidence despite setbacks, concentration amidst distractions, and composure under stress. You will draw from leading-edge work in sports psychology and neuroscience to enhance critical skills necessary for the positive state of mind which will significantly improve your ability to maximize leadership performance at the upper ranges of your talent — your personal zenith. At your zenith, you will achieve your mission critical goals for the nation.

September 23-25, 2009

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