As a business technologist for the Comptroller at the United States Special Operations Command, I am tasked with providing a collaborative environment with organizations across the globe.
In 2006, we launched MicroSoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) to enable beter colloboration across within our special forces community and business partners.
I would like to start sharing what we have done, best pratices, and other tidbits of information so it can be shared with other government agencies.
Here is the best SharePoint Community website that I have found –
Stay tuned for more….
Max – why are you posting BS to a blog on SP? Please refrain from sharing your BS on my blog!
Thank you Dave. I work for DISA and the Joint Interoperability Test Command. I would like to learn more about what you are doing.
Yes – there is 1 too many “s” in the URL. Yours is correct!