Sharing the good news!

It’s interesting that with all the new technology, some things still stay the same – job fairs.

Yes I know this is considered “old fashioned” and maybe even down right boring, but you have to look at the niche industries to see something a little different, like mine for instance.

For those who don’t know me or my industry, I work inside the Beltway (Washington, DC) and in the security cleared community. And while the rest of the world is finding candidates and jobs through social media or mobile, this is one community where face-to-face really counts.

So while many may think job fairs are passe and not too fun, I beg to differ. I look forward to our events, seeing my customers and conversing with the job seekers. I think they are so fun, I take the time before each job fair to share with folks what it is all about…

And isn’t that what life is all about? Having fun and enjoying yourself?

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