SilverTail Systems Provides New Tools To ID and Respond To Inbound Web Attacks


The Silver Tail software platform provides a well engineered means of monitoring cyber threat activity- including threat activity hidden in normal Internet traffic. By performing behavior analysis to rapidly ID malicious behavior enterprises are given far more warning of mischief, potential information theft, fraud, espionage or other unauthorized/undesired/potentially illegal activities.

The biggest commercial interest in SilverTail capabilities, judging from Gartner and other analysts reports, seems to be in mitigating unauthorized activities while they are underway. They do this by well engineered automated behavioral analytics. This is the only means we know of to provide real-time visibility into web traffic in ways that can combat abuse of your web systems.

For a hint of the impact SilverTail can have, see the video below, which features Deborah Barta of MasterCard Worldwide and Laura Mather of SilverTail:

 SilverTail Systems Provides New Tools To ID and Respond To Inbound Web Attacks

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