Some riders question myki transition

As Melbourne’s Metlink (VIC) transitions from the Metcard to the myki card, The Sydney Morning Herald says that some commuters are objecting to the change. “If you are doing a rollout you have to, at some point, push people across, but the big problem is no one really knows whether Metcard is going to continue or be switched off,” said Public Transport Users Association president Daniel Bowen. “It would be a lot easier to sell the idea if it did not have the glitches and was reliable; if the readers worked every time; if the fare gates worked.” As part of the rollout, TTA has issued myki cards to registered Metcard holders, including seniors and students. Link to full story in The Sydney Morning Herald.

In another myki-related story, one lucky customer received a brief (and temporary) windfall as he topped up his card last week. Instead of the expected $8, the screen showed a balance approaching $475,000. Victoria Transport Ticketing Authority CEO Bernie Carolan blamed the display error on “an unusual series of actions, the combination of which is so unlikely as to make it highly improbable that other users will be affected.”

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